Thursday, November 24, 2011

Polar Bears

We watched a video about polar bears on the blog Then we learned more stuff about polar bears and wrote all the stuff the we learned off the polar bear video on a piece of loose leaf. Then we all picked a fact that we liked the most about polar bears and we wrote it on a sentence strip then we hung it up in the classroom. Then we made a bulliton board with the sentence   strips.  Some of the things we learned about polar bears are that human pullution is not  good for the  polar bears and we have to stop global warming because we’re worried that the polar bears won’t have a place to live.

We read the book Winston of Churchill and the aurthers name is Jean Davie Okimoto and it is illustrated by Jeremiah Trammel.  In the book we learned about a polar bear named Winston and the ice was melting and they needed to stop global warming so they could have something to eat and a place to live  so the pack of polar bears held a protest and they came back with the victory  sign.

By Anna 

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